
Kubernetes is like an operating system for computer clusters. It frees developers from implementation of infrastructure mechanisms like:

Kubernetes clusters are divided in Control Plane and Workload Plane or Data Plane

Benefits of using kubernetes

Control Plane Components

Worker node components

Modern Application Architecture

Requirements for containers

Requirements for Orchestration


Is the smallest building block in kubernetes. A pod is made up of one or more container that share network and storage resources. Pods are incorporated in a higher level abstraction like ReplicaSet.


Are used to keep fixed number of identical pods. You need it if you want to create a orchestration behavior.


Is a resource that manage pods and ReplicaSets. The main job is to maintain the state that is configured in its manifest


Resource to manage stateful applications like MongoDB, Postgres and etcd. Like deployments it can manage the state of a pod in a manifest.


Used to expose application in a pod withing the kubernetes or the internet. There are the following services types:


Basically a directory or file that all container in a pod can access. If the entire POD is killed the Volume and its data will be removed. If needed to persist data use Persistent Volume. A PV is a resource in a cluster just like a node. If running in AWS you can use Amazon Elastic Block Storage (Amazon EBS)




It provides a logical separation of resources. If you dont specify while creating a resource it will be named default

Control Plane

API Server

Open Service Broker

Controller Manager

Controller/Operator pattern


